Tuesday, August 30, 2011

good samaritan cookin'

tonight we spent the evening at the Good Samaritan girls home for two reasons.

#1 it was the monthly birthday celebration for the kids. This month was Kylie, Nadia, and Gamaelle. The boys come, the girls hang decorations, a talent show/church service precedes the food we will share for the evening...which leads to

#2 the older girls have had cooking class with Margarette 1x/week for about 6 weeks now. Today was the big exam and they needed judges!:)

Group 1: macaroni and cheese made by Resinette, Stephanie, Stephanie, and Phara! Yum

Group 2: fried chicken, national haitian rice and beans, fried bananas made by Phaline, Kevencia, Wilmine, Carme-Suze, and Marie-Josee (the new caregiver for the younger girls)! Yum

Group 3: CAKE made by Daphney, Dania, Judith, and Lovely! Yum

Group 4: Fish, Lam (a vegetable similar to potatoes), Yams, lettuce, tomato, avocado made by Martine, Manoucheka, and Marie-Ange! Yum (I don't eat fish although Jeff said it was amazing)

And the winner is...Group 3 with their cake!

we are so proud of these girls, they were all fantastic and hats off to Margarette for all she is teaching them!

Tuesday, August 16, 2011


Sometimes people ask me if I am starting to feel like Haiti is home...hmmm
doesn't sound like a tough question, but I always think before blurting out an answer based upon my feelings of things here for the day. Sometimes Haiti feels like home. Sometimes Haiti feels foreign. Sometimes Pennsylvania feels like home. Sometimes Pennsylvania feels foreign. On days I am feeling "uncomfortable" nothing feels like home. It has taken a while to sort of get used to the idea of saying "I am home at both places, yet I'm not at home either place".

Yesterday we took our August team to do a kids program at a kindergarten school in Delmas 33 for those of you who know a bit about what's what here. This school is run by friends of ours and was opened a year ago. Earlier in the summer they mentioned they would like to do an outreach for their community this summer and when I spoke with them 2 weeks ago, they still didn't have funding to do it. The team already prepared a program so we thought it vital to help them reach out to their community. Many of these children live in surrrounding tent cities.

Lots of fun. Good teaching. The team did a great job! The kids did a great job! We took 5 of the girls connected to our girls orphanage and they joined us in ministering to these kids and that was beautiful! But something in me was missing.
I couldn't put my finger on it until last night as I was looking through the pictures of the day. This wasn't home to me. These weren't the kids I've come to know and love on. I missed Canaan. It had been only a week and a half since being there so it wasn't the time away necessarily. Not to take away from the kids we ministered to yesterday, but those weren't the kids I've come to know and love. I'm not sure I can even put into words the strangeness of this feeling. I was having trouble understanding how I could miss a place that to many seems to have been forgotten.
Truth is...it hasn't been forgotten. God is there. His presence. He has not forgotten this place or these people. Everytime we go we feel him there with us. Hope is there. Everytime we go. We have not forgotten this place. We have not forgotten these people. AWAKENHAITI has not forgotten this place or these people. Many of you have not forgotten.
The only thing understandable in it is when we enter the territory of the community we are working in, peace falls. Hope falls. It's not when we enter Canaan. It's entering the community to Bethanie Church of Canaan. It's become home. Not home in the sense of where I sleep at night or where my kids go to school. Home in the sense of where my heart is. I can picture a little plaque hanging in a living room "home is where the heart is". I never really appreciated that little thing growing up, actually thought it was pretty tacky. But now I'm living it.
I belong three places, yet I don't belong anywhere. Now I'm realizing though that belonging 3 places on earth means I have a lot of security here, right? Yet not belonging anywhere here on earth means I have no security here, right? This is what God wants. He doesn't want us to become too comfortable, too at home. While these 3 places make me feel like home, it's temporary and HOME is yet to come. I'm pretty sure there will be no confusion there, no feelings of we don't fit in, we don't belong. Just HOME.
Hebrews 13:14
"For this world is not our permanent home; we are looking forward to a home yet to come."

Friday, August 12, 2011

Shared thoughts of AWAKENHaiti

Some friends of ours for the past 8 months have shared their thoughts after spending the week with our team building the church/school in Canaan. The following link takes you to their blog write up.


Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Bethanie Church of Canaan

Leading up to the church build in Canaan, we knew God wanted AWAKENHaiti there working in that community, but I don't think we realized how much until this past week.
When we didn't even know where to begin with projects in this community, God made it clear it should be the church. The church should be the foundation.
When we didn't know where the funds would come from to build the church, God made it clear that he wanted to use His people to give, not some organization with grant money that would be easily handed over. He said he would provide what was needed.
When the small team of 8 formed to build some walls on the church, we all thought that minimal money would be raised. We would just build what we had the funds for then it would sit until November when we had another construction team come (Go Canada!).
When we submitted to this idea and gave it to God to do what He wanted with it, it became a "God-sized" vision. It was too much for us. It couldn't be us.
Instead of the amount the team committed to raising, it was almost doubled, providing enough to do the foundation, frame the walls and roof the church all while employing some Haitians and bringing two cultures together.
The only way this could be accomplished was if the foundation could be complete before the team arrived and all building material could be secured ahead of time. For those of you who know Haiti, this seems next to impossible. Jeff did an awesome job of preparing and working with the haitians to get the foundation done. At the guesthouse, the family pitched in plus a few extras to build the trusses. Still, no guarantees.
The week started off great. Walls were up before we knew it. This team was amazing. The energy, patience, and love they poured into this...awesome! And for a bunch of old guys, really tolerated the Hot Haiti sun so well. Of course they did have some great water girls keeping them hydrated too:) Each American partnered with a Haitian and gave them their own tool belt full of tools that could provide them with work in the future. Watching this team partner with haitians teaching them skills that they could take with them was so cool. Even the power tools were shared, and after all, what man doesn't get a smile on his face when there are power tools involved.
Tropical Storm Emily was making her way toward Haiti and these guys were determined to get the roof on the church before she hit. The work there would have been done for the week and there would have been no celebration service due to the mud if Emily had hit. Emily dissipated.
The same God who provides also protects. This God-size vision was not going to be hindered by weather, heat, or insufficient supplies...nothing.
So Friday night, as planned, a celebration service took place. The service began with the song "How Great Thou Art". As two nations came together to worship the same God for his faithfulness and provision for the team and this community, it was impossible to hold back the tears.
The service that began with only 3/4 of the building full and people singing quietly in their place soon turned into a packed house, people sitting even in the window cutouts from outside and people freely worshipping our God. It was a beautiful experience that I won't forget.
Men, women, and children . Haitians and Americans. Kreyol and English. Brothers and sisters in Christ. All worshipping the same God while seeing the results of a God-size vision.

Monday, August 8, 2011

GRANDPARENTS - this one's for you!

by Kylie Denlinger (age 8)

God will use His shield to protect me.

God is higher than any storm and God is greater than anything you can imagine.

God can control everything He wants to happen.

He didn't make us to sin, He made us to love one another.

God will answer your prayers.

Follow God and Satan may try to temp you, but don't pay attention to him. Pay attention to God.
If you sin, you should pray and ask for forgiveness.

God wants you to think of others not yourself.

God will love you no matter what you do.

God will always want to be your friend.

God is the greatest God, there is no other god as good as Him.

God is powerful, you are much weaker than him.

So believe that there is a God.

ps. Don't just say you are a Christian so people will like you.

Sometimes we worry and feel guilty because our children are missing out on things in the states. Things like sports, school as they know it, things that make life easier or more comfortable. But if we are living our lives for eternity as we are called to do, not for the things of this world, than this little girl isn't missing a thing!

Thursday, August 4, 2011

The end of work day 3

Tonight as our team met on the breezy balcony, Colton led us in a few worship songs with his guitar. Can I just say this proud mom loves to hear him play. For a 13 year old to have taught himself to play several songs in just a year of playing...proud mom momment.

He chose Mighty to save. The words "Savior, He can move the mountains" stood out to me as we so clearly saw God move a tropical storm out of our path today!

Sometimes I think we are surprised when we pray for things such as this and the thing we prayed for actually happens. Almost like we are surprised that God did it. Not that we think He can't. Why is that?

Just as in the funds for this church/school build. We asked and from what many are saying, they doubted, wondering how a large sum of money could be raised now. But we prayed that the money would come, knowing God was asking AWAKENHAITI to take on this project. So if He asked this of us, wouldn't He provide what was needed? It's a call to obedience. Then it's a call to faith.
We see God moving in this church community already. I went out into the community to visit a few families on Wednesday. One of the questions I asked was "have you been up to see the new church building?" 4 out of 4 replied with a joy filled smile, yes! Suzette hasn't been able to leave her home in months because of the bleeding she has when she walks from the cancer within, asked God to relieve her the previous night so she could walk the whole way to the church and back...He did and again, she saw a loving God answer her prayer!

Every night this week, Pastor Nathan has lead a worhip service outside the building. They have been in prayer for the building, for the workers, for the storm to move, and for Christ to move. Tuesday night many many new people came to the church and many people gave their life to Christ. I joked with Pastor Nathan that he was going to have the church filled before it's even done being built, he just laughed and said "yes, many people can come now". The fact that he can now reach more people doing God's work...that's what it's all about! I was reminded of the woman at the well. This community needs food and water and many other things, but as Jesus says in John 4:13-14, "anyone who drinks this water will soon become thristy again. But those who drink the water I give will never be thirsty again. It becomes a fresh, bubbling spring within them, giving them eternal life."

We are so excited to be joining Pastor Nathan and this community in the first worship service in the church tonight! It will be a huge celebration of praise!

End of work day 4...the roof is done!

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Canaan Church/school building


Sometimes the work we do here is intangible. We can go weeks and not really see the fruit of our labor. When there isn't much happening that we can touch/see, I think this perhaps is when God is really working the most. This is the waiting place for us, but God is doing His thing. Psalm 37:7 says "Be still in the presence of the Lord, and wait patiently for him to act."

When Jeff and I stepped foot in Canaan for the first time in November 2010 (I wrote a summary of Canaan on March 23, you can find it in the archive posts) , we had no idea what God had in store. No idea what He would ask of us, what He would do through us and AWAKENHAITI. But we knew we were supposed to be there and we began praying for God to just show us what He wanted from us. And we waited.
In January 2011, we felt we were to begin building in Canaan. Our days of just visits were done, we needed to do something sustainable in Canaan, something tangible. God began speaking to Jeff about the church/school building and then it was on paper. Then it was "where is this money going to come from?" While we had a contact to apply for a grant for building, God spoke to me about how He didn't want us to take the easy way out. He wanted to use His people to give toward this project. He wanted us to have faith that He would provide what was needed.
People began forming a team to come and build and before we knew it,the money for the building came pouring in. God is good. God provides. God is faithful.
Ground breaking for the foundation of the church/school building was on June 6th. This week, we have a team of people raising this church up.
We are amazed and humbled that God chose us to use in this community. We are blessed that He allowed us to see Him working in this.
While we sometimes think nothing tangible is happening, God is preparing something big.
This week is a Big tangible week. For Pastor Nathan, for AWAKENHAITI, for the haitians we are serving, and for the team here right now.
This church and school will be making a difference in the lives of those involved for years to come.
So here's to tangible! Here's to raising the walls. Here's to waiting on a God that always tells us his timing and his plan when we are ready to listen.
We are so excited to see what God does throughout this week, in and through this team!