Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Suzette's clinic day 2

One step closer…
After a two hour drive to get to the hospital to drop Suzette’s daughter off to get the blood test results, Jacques, Suzette and I drove on to the clinic where we could get the ultrasound done. Two hours later, we returned to the hospital to meet Suzette’s daughter and see the doctor to read the ultrasound and blood test results only to find out I had only left her there with one receipt and there should have been two.  With both receipts in hand,  it was back in line to pay to receive the blood test results. 
Afterward, we waited about a half an hour to see the doctor only to find out we needed to see a gynecologist, not the regular clinic doctor and by the way, the gynecologist is in Monday, Wednesday, and Thursday…NOT TODAY.   So off we go with all paperwork in hand.  Two more hours of driving.  We’ll go back Monday.

Today was frustrating, no doubt, but it is still an honor to be doing this for Suzette.  One of the hardest things is seeing a different side of her.  Normally when she is sitting in her shack on her mattress, she is somewhat comfortable.  But these trips and just walking from her shack to the car and from the car into the hospital is way too much and puts her in so much physical pain she was brought to tears a few times today.  Waiting on God for answers and hopeful for treatment!

Thanks for your prayers, keep them coming!

Friday, February 22, 2013

Suzette's clinic day

Prayers were definitely felt today!  thank you for sending so many prayers.

The drive from here to pick up Suzette then to get to the hospital is 2 hours...with the first hour being light traffic.  What that means for the afternoon is about 3 hours back.  I pray more driving in Haiti than I ever considered it in the states even though driving is slower, it's exhausting and you never know what other drivers will do.  Prayers were felt on the road!

The process at the hospital is like many other processes in Haiti; wait, wait, wait.  We found favor in the first three steps to getting Suzette in to see a doctor.  Many others were waiting much longer, I didn't ask questions as to why or how we got there, just thanked God we did.

For today, Suzette saw a general physician and had blood drawn.  We need to go back Tuesday for the blood test results.

We left there to get an ultrasound done at another clinic about 30-40 minutes away.  When we arrived, we found out the doctor had already left for the day but there was a clinic just next door we could use.  No one told us at the hospital that Suzette should not have any food in her stomach in order to have the ultrasound, she had a pack of crackers on our drive from the hospital to the clinic because it was 12:00.  So, no go for today.

We will go back for the blood test results Tuesday  then we will go for her ultrasound.  perhaps they will order a biopsy at yet another clinic from there, we'll find out.

As I drove Suzette back to her shack in Canaan, she proceeded to explain some of the tests she had just before the earth quake and was never able to go back for the results.  After that, she simply turned to God for healing.   My response to that; "Sometimes God heals people himself and sometimes God uses people and medicine."  She then thanked me for giving up time away from my husband and children to help her and reassured me God would bless me and protect me.  He has already.

Tuesday will be another long day of driving and waiting and seeking answers.  Please continue to pray for doors to open and answers/treatment to be given!

What a treasure to have spent this time with Suzette.  To have been part of a great journey of faith together!  I saw this when I got home today!

Thursday, February 21, 2013

A big day for Suzette

Sometimes when we’ve had a few trying days and we feel as if we understand nothing about the Haitian culture, we say to each other “what are we doing here?” and “are we even making a difference?”  Sometimes we feel as if we are spinning wheels. 
For me, there seems to be two sides to the ministry happening in Haiti; the ministry to the Haitians and the ministry to those coming to serve.  We’ve said this over and over again; how people have been changed.  What I am starting to see now more than ever is that God quite possibly brought our family to Haiti to change us, the five of us.  I am seeing how our faith has grown so much, how our children’s faith has developed and how close we have become as a family.  I’m not convinced we were open enough to God doing this in us in the states.  So we are part of the group “those coming to serve whose lives have been changed”

The Haitian side of the ministry is where so many questions lie.  Are we making a lasting difference?  Are we changing lives here?  Not just circumstances, but lives.
It’s not everyday I believe we are, but after my last visit to Suzette on Monday, I believe it again. 
It’s been over three years since Suzette was “diagnosed” with Uterine Cancer.  I say “Diagnosed” because the diagnosis was made simply from an ultrasound.  It’s been over two years since I met her and began praying with her and for her for healing.  After bringing multiple medical people to evaluate her the best they could without fancy equipment and trusting the diagnosis given, we felt as though all we could do is pray and offer pain relief.  When another lump appeared in January and extreme pain returned, I began to feel there was something more we needed to seek out.

Monday, I shared details of Suzette’s pain, timeline, other symptoms etc with a doctor and nurse that were here and they began to question the diagnosis.  After a quick visit and evaluation, their questions were even greater…”could this be something other than cancer?” 
The only way to know for sure is for Suzette to have a complete exam and biopsy done.  It turns out a doctor I met through Kim who is serving in Haiti can get us into a good Hospital THIS FRIDAY just days before she leaves for the states.  All we need is to get in the door and she can help us do that.  Just two weeks ago, a visitor brought two donations from people in the states that we will use to get the initial exams done.  If more money is needed, I have no doubt God will provide it.  I don’t believe in coincidences.  I believe in a God who can knit very delicate details together using multiple people without them even realizing it to make a difference in one of His followers, in turn, making a difference in His Kingdom.

After setting up details of our hospital trip with Suzette, I turned to go and she stopped me to tell me that GOD brought AWAKENHAITI to her and for that she is so grateful.  I’m humbled once again that God has allowed me to be part of HIS great ministry here in transforming lives!
Please pray for us tomorrow.  For God to lead us through the day opening the right doors for the right people and exams to be done.  Please pray for strength for Suzette. Tomorrow is a big day! 

Friday, February 1, 2013


Well is has been a long time since I have posted anything on here.  Deb does such a good job at sharing our hearts about things that happen here and some of the small ways God continues to use AWAKENHAITI here in Haiti.  I thought I would share a few thoughts with you as we approach this Superbowl weekend.

I love football.  I love it for many reasons but one of biggest ones is more than other sports you have to work together as a team to achieve success.  These guys bond as teammates because they have to rely on each other.  They have to trust each other.  Their individual successes along with their teams successes depends on the entire team working together for one common goal.  You can have the best QB or running back in the league, but if the O line doesn't block, not only will you not gain yards, that star player isn't going to last very long.  That's why when the superstars thank their teammates for their individual successes, they do so out of pure gratitude, respect, and love.  They know without them there would be no records.

Last week, I got the tremendous privilege of joining the RunforLife team.  This was a team of people from Heartline Ministries, here in Haiti, that was running across Haiti (315 miles total) to raise money to build a new maternity center.   This maternity center will serve women here in Haiti before, during and after they give birth.  It is one of the ways that Heartline is reaching people for Christ by showing His love and compassion through caring for these women fully and unconditionally, just as Christ loves us.

My dear friend Barry McDonald was the one that had the vision for this great endeavor.  He and his wife Bec lost lost their child shortly after birth.  That beautiful little boy named Isaac, was the inspiration for this run and the reason I believe Barry and Bec came to Haiti.  Barry and I have been great friends from the moment we first met 2 years ago.  He has always been there for me when I needed help building, an ear to listen to one of my crazy ideas, me go off about one of my frustrations, or just a guy to share a laugh with.  Barry is one of my teammates here in Haiti.  So when he and Bec asked me to join them in this run, I was not only honored, I saw it as a responsibility.  Teammates don't let other teammates down.

What an experience it was.  What a great team of people.  Everyone did their job.  The cooks cooked, the drivers drove, the doctor and nurse kept Barry loose and moving forward, and the runners ran.  Barry ran a total of 315 miles in 14 days.  Others ran their first marathons with him for encouragement.  Joel, a Heartline Board member from Dever, ran three marathons with him.  The last one with a hair-line fractured foot.  I managed to run a little over 100 miles with him in the last six days.  While none of it was easy, we were a team.  A team with ONE goal.  Finish the run.

If I could speak for Barry for a minute, I think he would echo these words.  The run was amazing.  The scenery was breathtaking at times.  While the mountains were hard and steep, they provided times of reflecting upon God's power and creativity.  But as amazing as it was, the thought of doing it alone would of been unbearable, and darn near impossible.  What made it amazing was simple yet extraordinary, TEAM.

Now that a week has gone by, I have had some time to reflect about those six days.  One of the questions I got asked by some was: "Why, with all the things and responsibilities you have here with AWAKENAHAITI, why did you go and spend a week helping another ministry to raise money for their efforts?  Don't you have enough to do?"  Yes, I am very aware of all the responsibilities that Deb and I have here, but honestly the thought didn't really occur to me.  AWAKENHAITI is here to serve Haitians.  I believe in what Heartline does and how they do it.  They are soldiers for Christ just as we are.  Doesn't that make us ONE team.  I hear their director speak of the same God that I believe, and trust in.  We serve the same God, the one and only God.  We are playing the same game for the same coach.  I guess that's why it didn't occur to me that the run had nothing to do with AWAKENHAITI, because that run had everything to do with AWAKENHAITI.

Barry, Bec, and the entire RunforLife team.  Thank you!!!

And Church, it's OUR TIME!!! Not as one church, but as a Church united as ONE.



 Note:  For more info about the run or if you want to partner with this effort go to runforlifehaiti.org