Sunday, May 30, 2010

Greetings from Haiti

Our team consists of Jeff and I, Tony & Cindy Brandt, Brian & Robin Richardson, Geralyn Denlinger, and Marv Diller.

We arrived safely to lots of rain on Fri, didn't last long after we arrived, but it clearly had rained hard for a while.

The girls are all doing great. They are all better in their English and are practicing it on us. I wish I could say the same for my Kreyol.

We took them to their beautiful new house yesterday and they were flipping out! We did a great dance around our haitian broom to break in the new house then set to work.

They worked right along side us cleaning all day. We washed, swept, mopped and mopped again. The men worked outside on putting wire up around the wall, getting the electric running properly and the water inside going.

We hope to have them moving in on Tuesday!!!!

Sat evening we went to visit Pastor Nathan in his new home. He has a great home. We sat on his rooftop enjoying the incredible mountain view, and in conversation as always with Pastor Nathan, we say joy in him. He is so happy to be there but we know his main concern is his church. God helps him perservere with joy.

Today we went to Pastor Nathan's church in the street. It was so cool because while Pastor Jeff was preaching, several kids and adults were listening to what he was saying. God uses the struggles and hardships even still!

We also met up with a family here that are connected to Alisha Brandt in the states through their family and were able to deliver some very important supplies. We met them in front of the Presidential Palace...much worse to see in person than on TV or in pictures. The park by the palace is full of tents. It is truly unimagineable. The tent cities are everywhere, but people are generally so friendly and full of hope.

We went to see Schneider's new home where he lives with 8 other family members. At the ripe old age of 23, he supports them with help from one brother who is also old enough to work.

We visited Gesner and Youdeline and their 1 year old Gessy. They have a tent that Tony and Jeff put up for them in March and have become quite creative in how they have made it into a home. Gesner's barber shop is a separate tent in front of their home. He is trying to run the shop while being Mr. Mom so Youdeline can go to work with the Red Cross. Her contract will end with them in July and we pray they will renew it. As we drove away, full of emotion, I realized only God can fill a person with joy the way Youdeline is filled with joy even in her circumstances.

Tomorrow we plan to have the women clean at the boys' new home while the men finish the wire on the wall and yard work at the girls home. Lots more work to be done. We are so excited to move the kids into their new home!

I have to admit, seeing our new home, while as beautiful as it is, the reality of what we are about to do really hit me. I struggled for a bit to make sense of the emotional roller coaster I seemed to have hit. But God spoke to me last night as I read in John 14:1 when Jesus was speaking to his disciples. 14:1 says "do not let your hearts be troubled. Trust in God, and trust also in me." Those circumstances were different, but I know God was asking me to trust in him and what he is going to do through me.

Praise God for all He is doing here in Haiti and in us as we humbly serve!


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