Thursday, August 5, 2010

God's timing is perfect timing!

Two teams served in Haiti over the last two weeks and so much was accomplished.
We are so thankful for all these teams have given to this ministry and to our family. As we prepared for this trip, we had all intentions of unloading the container and we prayed earnestly that it would be released. As we learned on our last trip, sometimes our plans are not God's plan and just trusting Him is what we need to do. As it turns out, there was some confusion with the shipping company as to which container had reached and been processed through customs. It was not ours as we were told. Ours is now in Haiti, but it could be 5-6 weeks before it is released. While initially a bit disappointing, the bottom line is there was much work to be done to prepare two houses for this ministry. It has taken the two weeks of teams working very hard and Jeff and Vanessa remain in Haiti for yet another week to finish some things before moving kids into their new homes.
The second team arrived to find the guest house/girls home/our home with a beautiful yard where a ton of work had already been done. The mess we left in June was gone. The overgrown grassy area had been cleared, the rocky, muddy area had been cleared and a paver patio had been created complete with two park benches and two potted trees. For those of you who know me, this meant the have a place to sit outside and enjoy God's creation (and read scripture with coffee in hand) not only for our family, but for teams coming to serve. The first team had also set up the large military tent for the girls to have shade to do school work under and much to my surprise, a paver basketball court had been started. I was very humbled and blessed by the personal care that went into this for us. There was also water and electric for the house which will provide for the comfort of those we bring to serve. Thank you to those on the first team who gave so much of themselves!
The second team spent the week finishing the basket ball court very creatively with a green lane with AH marked and spots for three point shots. Another small pad for sitting and walkways connecting everything. My kids will be very surprised to find the first letter of each of their names in the walkway done by the color of the pavers. Thank you to those of you who worked for many days for the personal touch and the beautiful outside area! We now have full time electricity and water. Something we take for granted here in the states, but is very hard to come by in Haiti. This is so important for those who will come to serve with us! Thank you to those who were involved in that setup!
Some worked on building lots shelving which will provide for organization for the girls and the guest house. This will help keep Jeff and I sane while living with so many people!
There was also a ton of work that went into getting the boys home ready. There is now running water and electricity there (although still some work to be done to make it full time). Part of our second team spent three days there scraping paint, repainting, and cleaning. This house had been transformed to provide an awesome place for the boys. God placed a burden on my heart about a year and a half ago to provide housing for boys and to see this all come together has left me in awe of God's plan and his faithfulness. He deserves all the honor and glory for the vision we have been given and all that has come together so far.
More than all of the work that has been accomplished though is the spiritual work He has done in these two teams. We spent time with kids who have been through so much more struggle and turmoil than we can know and understand. We have seen destruction beyond our belief. We have seen Gesner and Youdeline and their one year old living in unbelievable conditions in a tent city. And now we find out Youdeline is trying to remain healthy while carrying their second child in these conditions. We are heavy hearted over the thought of sleeping in our house while they are in a tent at the bottom of a hill with rain pouring down. We pray for guidance as to the best sustainable way help them. Yet they continue to trust God for his faithfulness and they press on.
We attended church with Haitians who have very little and worship in the bottom of a building whose top two floors was completely destroyed and remains in shambles, yet God's presence was evident. We continue to be in awe of the faith the Haitians exhibit. Pastor Nathan stretched me this week as he lives his life to honor God no matter what comes his way. Through the destruction of his home, church, and school, he is thankful for what he has and for what God will do as he presses on.
God challenged us to see the blessings we have and how we can use them to honor him. While some may have been disappointed that the container did not arrive, I know God's plan was carried out he did the work in us that was necessary. God's timing is perfect timing!
I am once again humbled to be in the midst of God's mission in Haiti.
As Pastor Nathan says with each greeting and goodbye...
Bondye Beni Ou (God Bless You)

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