Friday, December 31, 2010


Team December loaded up the truck with paint and supplies Wed morning and set out for an amazing day! We had 6 houses to paint. All of the homes we were painting were families that are connected to Pastor Nathan's church there. We split into 3 groups and set off to paint 2 homes each. The plan wasn't just to paint homes, but to encourage, support, pray with, and work along side each family.
Each person serving that day has a different story to tell! Each one was moved by the things seen and done! I wish every team member could share their own experience in a book.
here's what I saw on Wednesday:
The first home my group painted was the home of a family I had spent time with each of our previous visits. I had not had a translator with me so they were times of very little conversation and just being together with my girls and their little girl. I was under the impression that she had a son Ricardo (about 10) and little Jenny (1). As we gathered inside Nadej's one room, well kept home on Wednesday to pray, we asked her about her previous home and some other questions and she told us she lost her 10 year old son in the quake. She had 4 children, now she has 3. She continued to tell us with a smile on her face, they like their new community. My heart got stuck on the loss of a child. I couldn't move from it as I held her hand and tried to hold back tears telling her God brought us there to help and encourage. Today, I mourn for a mother who lost her child. I pray for her to have strength. I thank God for the provision and protection He has given them and ask that God continue to be very real to this family. Nadej's husband has no work right now. No means of providing for his family. God however, does and continues to provide for them through family, friends, and neighbors. As we were almost finished painting, I looked around at all the tents and shelters and realized that Canaan is a place where everyone experienced loss on January 12, 2010. Loss of a family member, a home, a job...maybe a combination of all three. I'm amazed at the strength of these people. This community in the church has come together, they are making it, and they are helping each other deal with the loss they have experienced. The actual painting got done and amazingly enough, after Nadej's 3 year old nephew got done with the paintbrush, there was still some paint left. It was a lot of fun as many people gathered together to work. Nadej's brother, her son(who is actually 14), and several neighbors all pitched in. We got the job done and I left a piece of myself there.
We moved on to the next house where we are greeted by many willing helping children! Most were neighbors. This family has 4 children, 2 of which were injured in the quake. One with a broken foot, the other, broken arm and injuries on her chest. They are both doing really well now, but have scars that will remind them of that traumatic day for a long time to come. They are expecting their 5th baby in a few months. Fortunately for this family, he still has a job and is able to provide food and care for his wife's pregnancy. We began painting and I found myself without a job because there were so many helpers. I stood back watching for a few moments when Schneider (our translator) asked if I would like to go visit the home owner's mother who has cancer.
So off we went. Her daughter (about age 17) led us to her mother explaining to us that she is very sick with uterine cancer. She cannot walk or get up. We entered Suzette's home and greeted her. She explained that she has been sick for one year. I began asking questions and she was very willing to tell her story. God spoke to her and told her to boil a certain plant and drink the liquid to ease the pain. God spoke to her and told her not to worry, He would heal her. She spoke to me with such joy and faith. She winces and breaks into a sweat from the pain as she tells me her husband left her 20 years before. She raised their children on her own. Her two older daughters don't go to school anymore because they don't have money. Somehow, the younger daughter goes to school. They eat because others help them. She can no longer sell clothing as she used to. They lost their home on January 12, 2010. Life is very hard for them in Canaan. They don't have access to as many things there because it is further from town and market. The house leaks water every time it rains and they are afraid the house will not stand in the wind. It gets very windy there at the base of the mountain. Yet, she has joy. I swear that was an angel sitting there before me. I told Suzette that God was blessing her right now and asked if I could pray with her. When I finished praying, I looked up to see her crying. I had been so blessed to witness her angelic faith, but she also had been blessed by my visit and because of the time I took to her story. That is why I was there that day.
In the midst of loss and suffering God can be praised!
On Thursday, Team December led a VBS. They gave a fun bible story, sat with kids as our amazing sponsor daughter, Stephanie, led songs, they played games, colored, and held little sleeping cuties. They also passed out 120 hygiene kits, little toys, braclets, and candy. All in all, a fun, fun day for everyone! It was great to have the families from the previous day there celebrating together!
Friday we were back at Good Samaritan Girls Orphanage to lay stone through the yard, spread dirt and plant a garden. There was also some playing going on and a few Kreyol lessons.
Tonight the team celebrated New Year's eve at a Haitian church service where tradition is to begin praying just before midnight, then finish in the new year. Tomorrow we will celebrate with traditional squash soup! We are very grateful for this team and all the work they have done, but more importantly, all the love they have poured on so many children and families here. Bondye Beni ou!
Bon Ane!

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