Thursday, March 31, 2011

Team April

We have spent the past three days gearing up for Team April which will be arriving tomorrow, April 1st. Jeff and Jacques have been gathering supplies for the projects this team will be participating in, getting more mattresses, he's been checking in on the team vehicle (it has been at the fabricator for a few weeks now getting the finishing touches...supposed to be done Wednesday, now to be finished Friday morning). We've been meeting and planning. Vanessa and Viviane spent the morning cleaning the guest house today while I did school with my girls, then we made beds this afternoon and shopped for groceries. The guys at the deli counter know me by now, they know what kind of ham I like to get, they know to ask me if I want my cheese in a block or sliced, and they're quite amused when I am shopping for a team and I order 4 lbs of ham at one time. I think the people at the check out are also amused by the amount of bread and ground beef purchased at one time, today it was 20lbs. Tomorrow, Vanessa will finish up the cleaning in the guest house while I do school, Jeff will run around to several more places for supplies, and hopefully if the airlines are on time, the team will be arriving to the guest house around 5:00pm. Work we have planned: Sat - the guys will work on Jacques' home and the ladies will go to Freedom House Bethesda to do medical check ups on the girls Sun- church, soccer with Good Sam kids Mon-guys, work at Jacques' ladies, work at Good Sam girls home Tue, Wed, and Thur - Canaan for building project Friday - Good Sam girls home I say all this because this morning as I was doing my devotional time, God spoke to me about knowing who He is. I was listening to a song called "what do I know of holy". It is a great reminder of how big our God is and how little I understand his holiness. I then went on to read in Matthew. The story of Jesus walking on water and Peter asking Jesus to help him walk on water. Peter was fine while he was looking at Jesus, but then when he looked away and saw the wind and waves, he sunk, when he took his eyes off Jesus. The other disciples' reply to seeing all of this was "you really are the son of God!". After all the time they spent with Jesus, after all the miracles they had seen him perform, they still didn't really understand. For us, we can do all the planning and preparing we want, but circumstances around us could change or maybe we run into some kind of challenge that we don't anticipate. What then? will we keep our eyes on Christ? will we begin to sink then call out to God to save us? We have a great week planned for this team. We know the things we plan to do will honor God...but sometimes our hearts don't honor God. Sometimes God changes our plans or circumstances so we will see more how holy He really is. My challenge for this team this week is that we try to be open to what our holy God has in store for us and how He will change us. We just need to keep our eyes on Him! ~Deb


  1. spot-on, Deb. I struggle often with "but sometimes our hearts don't honor God." and thank you for putting it into words.

  2. thanks Frank, I had all these thoughts rambling around, just trying to make sense of them all!
