Sunday, January 8, 2012

Why Awakenings?

I’ve been thinking for a few weeks now about a new title for our blog. I’m one of those people who like some change on a regular basis. Nothing drastic, but moving furniture around occasionally is good, re-organizing the kitchen cabinets sometimes never hurts anyone, changing profile pictures on facebook often. Those are the kinds of changes I like on a regular basis, simple. Having the same blog title for two years was getting a little stale. I really couldn’t come up with something that reflects what our lives are in a word, but after making a list of things we’ve learned, experienced, some key phrases that represent part of our transformation…Awaken is what continues to come to mind.
When we named the ministry, the word Awaken accurately described what happened in our lives at the time. I found a song called Awaken that explains in detail the changes that were taking place in Jeff and I. Cool.
As time has gone on, we continue to be “Awakened”. God continues to reveal himself to us. As He does, we see more and more that this life is about our faithfulness to him. Not our time commitment in Haiti. Not the tangible works we do in Haiti. Not how many houses we build or how many patients we see. It’s simply about being faithful each and every day to what God has in store for us and how he wants to use us for His glory. It’s in being faithful that we are able to DO. We are able to build houses and do medical clinics. It’s in time of complete surrender and faithfulness, we see Him most.
In our last medical clinic, I was playing the role of pharmacist. The part of the job I liked most on this particular day was with the children coming in to be seen. We had a team that was supposed to be doing a children’s program, but some circumstances changed and we decided it best to only do the medical clinic that was planned. Because of that, we had tons of crackers to give out to kids coming in to the clinic. I had the pleasure of holding little ones and spoiling them with crackers and lollipops while their parents were seen. Who doesn’t like a lady giving out such goodies even if she has weird white skin?? Well there are a few that refuse no matter how many good treats are offered. In fact, there are a few that cry and won’t even open their eyes because of the white lady in front of them.
The last family to come into the clinic that day was a young mom, Marie Josee, with a little boy about 6 years old and a little girl who was just 7 months old. When their exams were finished, I walked over to them to give my new little friend a pack of crackers. The doctor explained to me that Marie Josee used to be a Christian, but is not anymore and that he was going to let me “handle this one”.
I crouched down in front of this young mom and began talking with her about her life…what was it like before? Now? Why was it different now? Was she happy with her life now? I had many questions for her, just trying to understand the choice she made and the choices she is making daily. I had no earthy advise for this mother who is willing to “do what it takes to provide food for my little boy”. These words mean something completely different here. I don’t know what it is like not to be able to feed my children. The word prostitution is different here. It just is. It's not different biblically. I’m not saying I think it is ok, but it’s hard to argue aside from a biblical standpoint...where she was coming from. From one mother to another…what would I do if I couldn’t feed my children and had no one to help me. Would I make the same choices? I can judgmentally say “no” I wouldn’t, but no matter how bad it gets in the states, there’s always a better way to provide. There's another option. In Haiti there’s no government supported program. There’s no Wendy’s or Sheetz to work at. There’s no homeless shelter giving out meals. In Haiti, there’s faith. That’s it.
Suddenly, everyone else in the room disappeared. I had no words. Then, God began to whisper to Dr. B. Our God is faithful. Our God is gracious and he loves us at all times. Dr. B shared this with her.
Then God whispered to me. “Remember 15 years ago when Jeff read Romans 5 and 6 to you as you talked about My faithfulness and grace.” I was yet again AWAKENED. Faith has to be enough. I shared those verses with her. As we shared God’s word, God’s love, and God’s grace with her, the tears came. God was moving in her heart as Dr. B and I encouraged her, loved her, and shared God’s love for her even though…
We prayed with her and she left with a Bible in her hand and the knowledge that God loves her. Please pray for God to continue to stir in the heart of this young mom. She has some tough choices to make every day. I pray she experiences a faith that is enough.
…AWAKENINGS…God continues to show himself, his faithfulness, and the broken around us. It’s through Him we try to live a life of significance. It’s by His power we can live a life that demands an explanation. It’s for Him we try to live a life “Wide Awake”.

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