Friday, November 23, 2012

Medical Container

Last Friday, a group of volunteers gathered together in Harrisburg and loaded furniture, medical equipment, and supplies into a sea container and sent it off.  Every inch of the container was packed full of supplies that will bless the community of Canaan.  These supplies will be a great start to equipping the clinic and therefore providing medical care and employment.  Thank you to Hamilton Health Center for the donations!  And thank you to the volunteers who helped make this happen!

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Today's reminder

Some days, in fact many days we as parents question what we are doing in taking our kids to Haiti.  Education isn't what I think it should be.  They don't have extracurricular activities.  Their health is sometimes at stake.  Their safety is sometimes at stake.  They are socially isolated, in fact, they don't have friends.  Today was one of those days... but as God promised when we were making the decision to go to Haiti, he knows what is best and what is important for this time.   He used Kylie to remind me today.

Bible class assignment:   Write about an experience you had and how God helped you

     God helped me understand who he is and what he does when I moved to Haiti.  It’s been such an experience to connect with everyone and learn their language and culture.  These people each have amazing talents and I know I could never do them.  And I’m so glad I got to have such amazing experiences and memories.  And now people from America too can not only see it but, meet God as well as I have.

     We have been going to an amazing tent city and it is amazing how they can help each other with some of their conditions and their faith is just unbelievable.  I’ve never been to a place that is so open and the hope that is there is out of control.  We have been building houses, a church and school, and medical center. 
     We also help with an orphanage and there are kids from four to twenty-two years old.  The kids are so much fun.  There are both boys and girls.  They each have an outstanding story about their life.  This experience has been amazing for me.  

      ~Kylie Denlinger age 10

Thursday, November 8, 2012

The best so far

    I did an interview with a journalist from the local newspaper yesterday and one of the questions she asked was "what have been the best experiences in Haiti so far?"
     I didn't have to think long to give her my answer.    While I love holding little children, I love hanging out with the kids at Good Sam., I love working in the medical most memorable times have been simply sitting with people we, in our American minds would consider to be poor.  My favorite times have been sharing life, faith, and prayer.

     Last week, I had one of these precious visits...

     Sitting on a half broken bench just outside a one-room wooden shelter Nadege calls home, we quickly dove into conversation about an ongoing tooth problem she had recently taken care of, which then led to further conversation about pain, illness, eventually suffering, and faith.
    This woman who shares the same age as myself has lived a hard life full of struggle and suffering I have never known.
     On a previous visit, Nadege shared two instances of God miraculously healing her physically.  This summer, I believe God healed something in her that hadn't even been diagnosed yet, making it three times.  On this particular summer visit, she asked for prayer for healing in her legs.
     You see, Nadege has had a pinched nerve for years.  This untreated pinched nerve has since led to muscle deterioration.  Slowly over a year and a half ago, starting with a limp the pinched nerve began to cripple her.  The muscles in one of her legs were loosing strength.  Last winter it moved to her mid-section affecting her bladder; giving her infection after infection.  In the spring of 2012, the muscles in her opposite leg began to deteriorate as well leaving her walking with a shuffle, unable to lift her feet to use stairs well and unable to squat to bath and dress little Jenny (3 years old) and fully take care of herself.  She also is unable to work as she desires to be able to help provide for her family because of lack of opportunity in their new community and because of her physical condition.  She wants physical healing so she can work again and take care of herself and her family.   She knows God will heal her again.
     In last week's visit, Nadege was curious to know how her friend from America was doing.  She met this friend in June 2011 who was struggling with the loss of a son.  The day they met, she brought encouragement to this new found friend with a similar story of loss.  Out of concern now for this friend still struggling today, Nadege began sharing with me how putting trust and faith in God has gotten her to a place of joy again even in her current suffering.
     After preaching me a sermon on job, Nadege began reliving the day of January 12, 2010.  The day an earthquake took her child, then strengthened her faith and character.  When the earthquake started, Nadege got Jenny out of the house just a moment before the neighboring building fell on top of their home, crumbling both buildings.  At the time, her two sons were in school.  Her 10 year old son was in a class room on the top level of a large school building and they arrived at the school to find it had collapsed with him still inside.  Her older son, Ricardo made it out.  The two boys had been living with their grandmother in order to help ends meet.  She hadn't seen them in 3 months.  The son that died, she hadn't seen for 3 months.  This she carries with her.  While she wishes it were different, she doesn't carry guilt, that is not from God.
     Nadege continued sharing with me that she could not stay in this state of anger, bitterness, regret, and sorrow.  God wanted her to cling to Him, trust him, and see what she still has.  To see what wasn't lost.  To find joy in His promises.
Nadege has found the strength to do these things that seem impossible in the midst of suffering.  In all of her loss, suffering, physical pain, and financial poverty; she has found joy.
     This is the message Nadege sends to us...
          "Dear brothers and sisters, when trouble comes your way, consider it an opportunity for great joy.  For you know that when your faith is tested your endurance has a chance to grow.  So let it grow, for when your endurance is fully developed, you will be perfect and complete, needing nothing."     ~James 1:2-4

    This woman who has lived way beyond her years, this woman our society would consider poor,  is one of the richest people I know.  It's sitting with her, sharing life, faith, and prayer.  These are my best experiences.