Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Visiting Suzette

     Since last April visiting Suzette has been very different.  Different in a good way because she has not had the physical suffering that she had dealt with for so long.  Lately I've been showing up to check on her two new grand babies (one of which lives with her).
     Her little grand daughter, Naika is just a precious little 5 month old chub with lots of smiles.  The reason she lives with Suzette is that her mommy is only 15 years old still going to school.  Just a child herself, she has this great responsibility at home.
     The last visit I made to Suzette just 19 days ago, she complained of a pain in her side that started when she was working outside.  She was simply cleaning up some garbage.  We assumed that she pulled a muscle.
    Today when I arrived at her home though, I found out there is much more.  I could see before I even entered her home that she was back on that same mat on the floor that represents cancer, pain, suffering, and grace all at the same time.  The pain has continued and in fact worsened and spread.  She now has a lump on her hip.
I told her it was ok to take the pain meds she had left over from last winter.
I prayed.   The three ladies with me prayed.  I'm no doctor, I have no diagnosis, but The Great Physican was there.
I committed to praying for her every day.
Will you please join me?

Sunday, January 6, 2013


These three words have been part of AWAKENHAITI from the very beginning.  They were relevant when we started AH and they continue to be relevant as the ministry develops today and as we learn experience Christ.  They aren't always noticed at the same time, however, one usually leads to another.
This week, God is using Colton's illness to take me back to those three words.
We are currently treating him for Malaria.  We have been so fortunate as a family that we have been very healthy in the two years we've lived in Haiti.  This is only the second time one of us has had it.  Some families here experience it with multiple family members and multiple times each year.  The symptoms of each of our  two cases have not been what most people experience leaving us guessing for a few days.  The problem with the few days is that the longer Malaria has to settle in, the longer the recovery period.
Every parent wants their children to be healthy and when they are not, parents like to have answers(awareness).  With those answers come treatment (action), the treatment then brings hope for a healthy child once again.  As a parent, that period of the unknown...is my child okay, is this something serious, how will I find out what it is, will there be treatment????? can be overwhelming. Fortunately, we have many resourceful people at our disposal.  We also have tests, internet, medication, and resources at our finger tips.
But, what if we didn't?  What if I were a mom living in Canaan and my child were sick with a fever that could not be explained?   What if my child couldn't get out of bed for 4 days and I didn't know why?  What if I didn't have friends who worked in the medical field who could help?  What if I didn't have the resources to go to a doctor or to buy the medicine needed?
Today I am thankful we DO have all these things.  I'm thankful that I can have peace of mind.  But I don't think God calls us to simply be thankful for what we have.  I think he wants us to also be aware of others who don't have and to not sit on our thankfulness but rather, to put the two together and move into action so that others may have also.  After all, this is how we can put feet on our faith.  It's how we can show Christ to others.  Thus bringing Hope.
As I put myself in a mom's shoes in Canaan, I am reminded of the great need there for medical assistance.  God has used Colton's illness in this period of the unknown and concern to remind me how important this is and that even though I don't have all the answers right now as to how the medical program will develop, it's important to HIM and therefore, I should leave it to HIM.  This is where His glory shows.

From a mom who wants other moms have peace of mind for their children, Thank you to those of you who have helped make this medical center possible thus far...there have been so many different people pouring into this in so many ways!