As I reflect on the tremendous sacrifice made by our Savior this Easter, I am humbled by a God that would step off His throne and enter a world where he would be rejected, spat on, beaten, and ultimately crucified by the same people that He created. He did so because He was on mission. A mission of reconciling our sin, so we may be worthy of being in the presence of the father. We are made worthy through the son, not by our own works but only through His. Jesus came on mission. That mission was for me and you. Now the question is, what is our mission and our response to His great love for us.
I read this last night. It challenged me to consider my response to His sacrifice. For those of you that have come served with us in Haiti, you know that this is our hope and prayer for you. This is our hope and prayer for us as well.
"Have you ever been on a Short-Term Mission Trip? Wasn’t it
fascinating? For a few days you explore
a foreign country with a group of believers and were focused on ministry. You laughed and ate strange foods and tried
to speak the language. You wept as you
witnessed extreme poverty. Maybe you
even suffered through sickness, harsh conditions, or actual persecution.
As nice as it was to return to the comforts of home, there
was also a letdown. You were back in the
“real world.” There was a peace you felt
when you did Kingdom work, and then it faded.
You returned to a routine in which you felt much of what you do has no
eternal value. But what if it was possible
to prolong the excitement and peace?
What if life could be one continuous mission trip? Is this even possible in the “real world”?
Not only is it possible, it is what God wants for us.
Do you remember the verse that many of us heard when we
first believed? “The thief comes only to
steal and kill and destroy. I came that
they may have life and have it abundantly.”
The life God has for us is one of abundance. It is meant to be full, not repetitive. He wants us doing things that have eternal
impact. He wants us busy expanding His
Kingdom in one way or another, today and everyday. This doesn’t mean that every Christian should
quit his or her job and move to a foreign country. But it does mean that we need to figure out
how to make each day count for His purpose.
Paul said it like this: “No soldier gets entangled in
civilian pursuits, since his aim is to please the one who enlisted him.”
Don’t most of us do the opposite? We busy ourselves with “civilian pursuits”
and occasionally jump into the battle when we fell compelled. Kingdom service is something we visit on a
mission trip, day of service, or a prayer meeting. Being entangled in the civilian lifestyle has
become the accepted norm. It is even
applauded so long as we can point to some occasional Kingdom activity. But doesn’t Scripture tell us to live
differently? And wouldn’t your life be
more “abundant” if you figure out a way to be on the battlefield everyday?
You maybe looking at your life and assuming you have no
other options. Isn’t a person with
bills, family, and responsibilities destined to be “entangled in civilian pursuits”?
Absolutely not. You
and I were made for more."
-Francis Chan
Have a wonderful Easter as we celebrate our risen Savior.