Tuesday, March 26, 2013

God's not done with Suzette yet

As Junior and I approached Suzette's house today, we immediately knew something was "up".  A neighbor was there.  Her son whom I haven't seen in most likely a year was there with his wife.  A woman I have not seen before was washing some pans outside.   Someone else was sweeping the floor and yet one more person was making the bed with clean linens.  This scenario forced us to make an assumption we didn't want to make.  I guess you could say we had a little scare.

As we entered Suzette's house, we learned that she had become very sick the past two days and those caring for her weren't sure what was going on.  She obviously had lost weight.  She was wincing in pain, moaning and even brought to tears at one point.  Why does this woman suffer so much?  She has had this suffering for over 3 years.  There are several answers that make sense, yet we ask anyway wanting something more tangible.

My first guess was the cancer taking over.  As they described more symptoms, it sounded like Malaria but unfortunately the test kits we bought are defective.  I wracked my brain to think of what we should/could do to help.  I had no medicines with me, so I thought.  As God has reminded me many times now, he doesn't want me to search for a medical "fix it", but rather, He wants me to simply pray and trust.

As the family members continued their conversations, I laid my hand on Suzette's shoulder and began praying out loud in English, while everyone else went on with their business in the house and caring for Suzette...
          "Come Jesus, Come and take this pain.  Lift this from Suzette just today."  Then I got up and left.

When I got back to the medical building, I was still thinking and asking God for some sort of answers.  Then I remembered the stomach flu that has been going around.  The one that those of us that live here call Haitian Happiness ( 4 people at our house had just had it).  So I went to our first aid box and found some strong pain meds and some rehydration packets so I decided it was worth another walk to Suzette's.
I arrived 15 minutes after I had left the first time to find her resting.  She was still having some pain, but much of it was gone allowing her to lay and rest.  I began asking what they had given her, I didn't want to give her more pain medication if they already had given it and I was trying to figure out what it was that had helped her so much.  "No, we gave her nothing."

In my very human flesh, it didn't occur to me until hours later while I replayed the day in my mind that Jesus did the very thing I implored of Him.  Why is it that when we ask for something many times we are surprised when He gives it?
In Matthew 7:7 Jesus says "Keep on asking and you will receive what you ask for. Keep on seeking and you will find.  Keep on knocking and the door will be opened to you." (NLT)

Not that God gives us everything just the way we ask for it or the way we picture it, but when He does,  we need a slap in the face to see that it was HIM or we are surprised to see that what we asked for actually is what God gave?

I believe it's part of being human.  But my prayer is that I/we are walking so closely with the father that we just know.  And whether we know immediately or 3 hours later, we know and we can praise Him for it.

 I don't know if he will heal her on earth, but I know he will continue to work through her suffering as long as she has it.  Blessed to be part of Suzette's journey and blessed to have her as part of mine.  She's been part of some many other journeys. I know God is not done with her yet.

Yet again...Came to Haiti to love and was loved.  Came to Haiti to bless and was blessed.  Came to Haiti to give and received.

 Please continue praying for Suzette.

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