Thursday, October 20, 2011

Computer class

One of Drew's vision for the Good Samaritan Boys is to give them opportunity to learn computer skills beginning with the basics of keyboarding to eventually much more advanced classes. He did an awesome job of getting the word out and looking ahead when he returned to the states in August. He came back to Haiti with 6 donated laptops to get the computer lab up and running. Great job Drew and thank you to those of you who gave for this computer ministry! Jeff, Drew, Colton, Barry, and Jacques built cubicles for the boys to work from this week so they are ready to begin on Saturday!
I found out this week that 7 of the Good Samaritan girls now are assigned homework and research online...Ummm...they haven't really used computers before, haven't used the internet before, don't have internet at the homes...
So, the computers are not only being used for the boys' computer lab, they are also now being used for the girls here at the guest house to learn basic computer and internet skills. I will be working with them 2x/week. One day to teach keyboarding and basic skills and one day to do homework assignments. I'm very excited about this endeavor!
Today was our first crash/unexpected course with no translator and the added pressure yeah, my homework is due tomorrow!
We fumbled our way through with as much Kreyol as I could bust out and Resinette and Manoucheka's few sentences of English. It would have been funny to have been a fly on the wall! We made it, all homework assignments are done!
It just shows how much I take for granted. These skills are things my own children have been learning since toddlerhood.
Looking forward to this new adventure!

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