Tuesday, October 18, 2011

One Year Reflections:

Wow, one year!!! What a year it has been. There have been struggles, frustrations, days of uncertainty, joy, blessings, victories, defeats, moments of insight, moments of stupidity, and moments of clarity. All in all, it has been a whirlwind of a year. For those who think following Christ and His will for your life is boring or unadventurous, I would beg to differ. When I think about a year of consistently trying to “take up our own cross” to sometimes what seems as daunting and unimaginable circumstances, God has been nothing but faithful every step of the way.

It has also been great to see the challenges and growth that is evident in the lives of others serving in and along side AWAKENHAITI as well. God has blessed this ministry with people of ability, desire, and vision for change. People who are not satisfied with just reaching for the norm. People who want to make a long lasting change. People who hear “you can’t do that in Haiti” and respond with, “you want to bet”. People who think outside the box to achieve God-sized goals. People who will fight to enroll our kids in a soccer program that is filled with the Haitian elites, because our boys deserve to run on that field too. People who want what is best for the people of Haiti, and are not satisfied by administering Band-Aids to make themselves feel good. People who are willing to give their time and resources for the benefit of others. People who know that brokenness comes in all shapes and sizes and does not have boarders. People who seek out that brokenness and want to walk with it even when it gets messy. People who are reading what it means to follow Christ and are responding.

God never promised that this walk would be easy. But why would we think that doing something like taking up our cross would be? All I know is that I would rather fight with that cross on my back and have hope for the future beyond this life than to be free of the burden for others and not have that hope.

Thank you all for your love, prayers, and support and for helping to make this year for us like no other!!!

Bondye Beni ou,


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