Saturday, February 25, 2012

A Shout out to my Running Partners !!!

As I was out for my Saturday run this morning, I was reminded how fortunate I am to be able to live here in Haiti and still be able to listen to some my favorite speakers through the technology of Pod-cast.  About five years ago, these Podcast became a part of my life through training for different marathons and also that crazy ultra-marathon my brother and I ran to raise money for the Good Samaritan Girl's Home.  My friend Jess Carr turned me on to listening to different speakers from all over the country.  I started listening to them so I could concentrate on the message being given instead of how tired I was, but God used that distraction to speak to me through speakers like Francis Chan and others.  I really began to be challenged to think of Christianity in a whole new and fresh way.  To start reading the bible with fresh eyes and a renewed sense of understanding. 

To this day, almost every time I run I get the gift of being able to listen to a man of God challenge me, push me, stretch me, and mold me, as God uses them to deliver His truths.  Sometimes those words pierce me to a point that forces me to stop and reflect on what's being said.  This morning was one of those times.  This morning I was listening to my friend Ryan Brown.  His message was called "Reformation 2012"  Ryan pointed out five steps to reform our lives.  As he went through those steps, each one spoke to me in different ways.  They challenge me and forced self examination and reflection. They are not easy steps to take, but ones worth taking.

That's another word that is a common theme with the guys I run with.  They are not "EASY".  They are not ear ticklers.  They portray faith and Christianity as it's meant to be delivered, in truth. They don't talk around it or shy from it. They speak to it.  I admire that so much about these men.  They allow the Holy Spirit to speak through them with a boldness that only comes from Him.  Some of that truth and boldness comes with a price.  The seats in their churches may not be as full as they might be otherwise.  People, even other Christians may think of them as radical.  Sometimes truth makes you feel uncomfortable, prideful, and self centered.  Not everyone likes that feeling.  But when it is delivered in love, as they do, uncomfortable becomes a desire to change.  They deliver the truth and then allow God to bring about the change.

So Don Logan, (Missionary Community Church), Jon Hand (Engage Church). Ryan Brown (New Life Community Church).  Brian Moll (Forefront Church NYC), Francis Chan (Conerstone in CA).  John McHoul (PaP fellowship), and a new fav. Josh Crain (CBIC)  Thank you!!!  Thank you for speaking "Truth" into my life even when it may not be the popular thing to do.  On those Sundays when your in the car asking your wife "Did I go too far".  The answer is yes you did, and this is one soul that is thankful that you did.  May God continue to bless you, your families, and your churches.

I look forward to our next run together!!!



  1. Awesome, Jeff. I used to "run with" some of these guys more than I have recently, but this post will make me turn down the tunes and turn up the messages more. Thanks for all that you guys are doing and the examples that you set even from miles away. Take care,

  2. I was thinking of you all week while I was running and exploring Prosper. Several roads are dirt roads with large potholes... seemed a bit like what you may be on in Haiti! You guys are always close to my heart.
