Friday, February 17, 2012

Team February '12 day 1

What an awesome day in Canaan!  Framing on the two houses began early this morning.  By mid morning walls were going up.  This day is such an exciting day not just for our team and those who gave to make this happen, but also for the families and the community.  These houses symolize a turning point.  Permanence.  Stability.  Security.  Protection.  These houses also represent a leap forward for Pastor Nathan.  He has two families moving into these homes that will watch over and lead the church and the property.  Pastor Nathan said to me today "Sister Deb, today my heart is so happy!" 
We so appreciate all who have given to the housing project thus far and for those whom will give in the future.  You can't know how much of an impact this is making for this community!  Thank You!
We praise God for providing all that was needed to start this project and for leading this vision!

Medical clinic was great today too. we saw a bunch of patients with various illnesses from colds to high blood pressure to intestinal worms and some in between. We gave out a bunch of medicine, held and fed a few kids, andvisited Suzette.  Thank you to Whitney, a nurse who is here with her family for 6 months serving and we love that she is available to help in our clinic.

wall 1 going up on house 1

wall 1 on house 2

Whitney checking little Samuel for worms

end of the day house 1

end of day house 2


  1. This is very exciting. Thanks for keeping us updated!

  2. Praying for you all, God Bless

  3. Love seeing the pictures. Thanks to team February for all they are doing.
