Saturday, May 12, 2012

What if

What if I ...


·         was 23 years old

·         Living in a third world country with my aunt and uncle because both of my parents died

·         wasn't going to school

·         didn't have a job

·         relied on others for my well-being, just as a child does their parents

·         That aunt and uncle had nothing

·         lived in a home where adults smothered me with protection because they were afraid of the decisions I would make

·         lived in a culture where Christians can be very judgemental of someone else's circumstances

·         lived in a culture where shame is used to try to teach one a lesson

·         lived in a society where it is easy for a young lady to be taken advantage of

What if I lived in this world and what if I...

....became pregnant?

what would I do?

who would I trust?

what if this were me?

what if this were one of my daughters?


In some ways, is this really that different from things in the developed world?

how many girls are taken advantage of in the developed world?

how many parents/guardians smother their children so much that the child wants nothing to do with them?

how many mothers are left trying to figure out how to raise a child with nothing?

how many Christians judge others for mistakes made?

here though...

there's no child welfare system

there's no food stamps

there's no coupons

no WIC program

Here there's Family, community, and God.   

So who can she trust?  The answer is simple.  There is only one answer.  There is only one who is trustworthy.  I wonder if she knows him. I wonder if she’ll turn to him now.  I wonder if I’ll get a second chance to tell her about him.

This is the story of a young girl who came into our clinic on Wednesday. We don't know what her future holds. We don't even know if we'll see her again in the clinic. We can only hope and pray that she makes good decisions now in caring for herself and her baby and that we’ll get a second chance.


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