Sunday, February 13, 2011

Not just doing, but being like Christ

Friday, we took Team February to Canaan, one of my favorite places. Every time I go there, I sense God's presence and hope for a future for these people. The picture above is just a glimpse of this land that didn't exist pre-quake. No one lived here. I look around and every person in this massive expanse has experienced loss in some form or another just over a year ago. It can be an overwhelming feeling. When I stand at the base of this glorious mountain and look at the level of need, I can't breath. What can words do for people who have suffered so much? What help can be given to help them start their lives over? But God has shown us that yes, we are here to help, we are here to provide for needs for this life, but we are here to be like Christ, love like Christ then do like Christ for the sake of their eternity, not just for their life here on this earth.
We gathered at the home of Gerald and Madame Gerald to support them and pray. They asked for prayer for their marriage. Their marriage that was just beginning. They recogized that they now needed God to hold this relationship together to be a family.
Next we went inside the home of Nadej...she said she appreciated the prayers we said the last time (which would have been in December). She said the prayers worked...she got married just one month later and asked for prayer for them in their marriage. Nadej and John and their children need God in their home.
Finally, we went to the home of EveMary. She has 4 children and one due in April. There are so many things she could have asked for, but she immediately asked for prayer for her husband, Jean-Claud as he is not a Christian.
So in this place where there is so much need, the need for God is greater. We see 3 families who want their circumstances to be better, but want God more.
We as Americans so often want to "do" for people. All with good intention. Usually things that are good, but we are learning here that building these relationships, praying with/for people, and sharing Christ's love comes first. Before building. Before providing. Before giving. Before doing...being like Christ comes first. We're very excited to do some work there; build a church/school and building homes, but when God tells them they are ready and us, we are ready. Lord, please help us to be patient for your timing and help us to be and love like Christ.
God is moving in this place, I sense it every time I am there.
Please pray for these 3 families as they seek God in their homes!


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