Saturday, September 10, 2011


Many of you have been asking for an update on Suzette. We were unable to get any information until today. But before I share what we experienced today, I want to share a bit with those who have not met Suzette in person. I have shared a bit about Suzette in the past(June 6), but looking back now on the last 9 months, I feel compelled to share more.

The day I met Suzette, she sat on her thin mattress on the floor of her shelter wincing with pain she was suffering from Uterine cancer as we made our way through introductions, sharing family information, and praying together. Each time back from then until June was similar only sometimes, less pain. June was a turning point for Suzette. She agreed to take some pain medicine, try to walk in her home a little, and try to get outside after our friend Dr. Dave spent time with her and encouraged her to do those things.

Over the summer, I think I began to forget what I had seen Suzette suffering through. With each visit, we found her sitting outside enjoying the fresh air. We found her full of joy and happiness despite the illness inside her. The joy in Suzette, the faith she continues to have, has been a huge testimony to so many that came to encourage her, that came to pray for her. People came expecting to give, but left having seen that joy in God alone is possible. Joy in having nothing but faith in a living God truly is all one needs, being lived out right before us.
Even though we continued to take pain medication to her, in my mind, her smile told me she was doing better. We had been praying with her and for her healing since January. Believing God can heal and after asking him to heal, I began to see healing even if it was temporary.

Suzette has been such a testimony to her family and those around her for so long, but even if she was only put on this earth for the few short months this summer just to minister to the people coming here to serve the way she did just by living out her faith, that would have been enough. She simply lived out her faith the way God asked her to.
She played her part in God's story......and she's not done yet!

In August, the week we had a team here building the church & school, we visited Suzette. She was so excited because she had been able to walk the whole way from her house to the church to take part in one of the week long evening services to pray for the church, the team and for the hurricane to move away. She had prayed for this and was so excited to be part of the church again. It had been a long time since she had been able to walk that far, let alone walk without bleeding.
Friday night, after the celebration service at the new church, somone came barreling at me
in the dark parking lot...SUZETTE!!! I was amazed to see her walking, no, running at me, laughing and celebrating. It was like catching a glimpse of what her life will be like in Heaven when she is cancer free, pain free. Celebrating like a child!

Last Friday, Suzette was taken to the hospital with severe pain and bleeding black blood. It didn't sound good. We couldn't get answers through out the week, finally yesterday, we got a call from Pastor Nathan saying can we please bring more pain medication to Suzette.

TODAY, more than ever, I couldn't wait to get to Suzette's house. To see that smile. To feel the joy she exudes. To spend time just talking with her and praying for her. Hearing her tell about her latest dream and what God spoke to her. For this particular visit, I had my two brother-in-laws, Doug and Steve, with me.
I wasn't prepared for what I found. Suzette laying on her 1 inch thick mattress, in so much agony she couldn't get out a complete sentence. She was obviously happy to see us, but the pain was too much to muster much of a smile. She tried to share her latest dream with us as she always does, but couldn't put all the thoughts together into words we could understand. She winced, and tried to keep from screaming in pain and agony as we just sat and watched. I tried to ask questions about her trip to the hospital, what the doctor said, how much medicine had she taken...but sitting beside the bed, I selfishly couldn't get my thoughts pulled together. How was I going to leave her house with her the way she was. What is there that I can even say to her in that moment that she doesn't already know or that would change anything for her.
But, God is God and he reminded me that it was Him who would do all that needed to be done, it wasn't on my shoulders to make her feel better or to take away her pain. So, we offered prayer. Because as God has taught me so many times before in Canaan, prayer is all I need to DO sometimes. This was one of those times.
We knelt with Suzette and began praying for healing, but more specifically for relief from pain. Inviting God's spirit to just fall all around Suzette. When we got up from praying and went back to the chairs we had been sitting in, we looked over to find Suzette sitting up in her bed carrying on normal conversation as she did on the previous summer visits. Joy, Hope, and Faith in the living God regardless of her circumstances.
God allowed us to be part of Him doing a work in Suzette today. God allowed us to pray for His spirit to fall on her and lift her suffering. He didn't need us to. He allowed us to. Then He allowed us to see Him work.
A man named Zak that had cancer once said, "if God chooses to heal my cancer, God is God and God is Good. If God chooses not to heal my cancer, God is still God and God is still good. To God be the glory."

I don't know if God will heal Suzette on this side of heaven. I know He can. I ask that He does. Either way, I believe and I know Suzette believes...



  1. Thanks for updating! What a great story...and an awesome privilege when God allows us to see Him work in those mighty, miraculous ways at times. He IS Good.


  2. I love God stories! I have seen God do this myself and I love seeing Him work in these miraculous ways. He is good! :) Thanks for sharing Deb. Love you <3 Donna

  3. Thank for you taking the time to post for us even at the hardest times. What a blessing for Suzette to know you, Jeff and your family as well. Thanks for being a blessing to her.
