Friday, September 24, 2010

Settlement and Airline tickets

We just spent a few relaxing days at the beach thanks to Mom and Dad Denlinger sharing their vacation with us! What a much needed time of enjoying time together as a family amidst the chaos! 3 days was enough, on the fourth day, we got confirmation of settlement date on our house! Everything with the inspection and appraisal went through smoothly and we are scheduled to settle Thursday, Sept 30th! This ended the relaxing and brought us quickly back to reality and planning. We have 5 filled days to get everything done at the house. We just purchased one-way tickets to Port-au-Prince for Thursday, Oct 14th!
We are all relieved to be moving into this next phase, as the past 12 months we have been living with a lot of unknowns and unanswered questions. We know things won't be mapped out for us to see the path ahead like we would want. We continue to learn to trust God as he guides us through this path He has given us. As we move out of the past unknowns and unanswered questions, we enter new ones and hope we can have more faith and trust than we did before.
In addition to moving from our house, we will also be doing school with our kids, meeting with several people about AWAKENHAITI's ministry/trips, and spending time with friends and family. It will no doubt be a whirlwind, but we know God is present as we sense the peace even within our kids because they now know when we will be saying goodbye to our home and all they have known.
Thank you again for prayers already spoken on our behalf. If you think of us, please pray for us as we go about our next few days to be patient with each other as a family and to continue to see God admidst the chaos.



  1. So excited for you guys! There is something comforting in having a "date" and being able to put your finger on one small known detail among all the unknowns. Still praying for the many transitions in the coming months.

  2. Heather. It was great to spend time with you and the big guy when you were here and thanks for all your continued encouragement.
